Friday, 31 May 2019

Beware! These 5 Morning Habits May Result in Weight Gain

Everyone hates excessive weight on their body, and I’m sure nobody wants to go out with it. Everybody is aware of the fact that a healthy diet and daily workout can help you lose weight effectively. Apart from these two, there are other factors, too, which promotes a healthy lifestyle

from Only My Health - Diet & Fitness

Prevalence of Hepatitis B Virus Infection is Mounting among Tribals in India

Tribal areas in India have a high prevalence of Hepatitis infections. The Jarawas of the Andaman Islands and the Chakmas in Arunachal Pradesh face an increased burden of this deadly liver disease.

from Medindia Health News

Seven Key Health Measures Can Help Predict Future Heart Disease Risk

Heart disease has become a growing health burden affecting millions of people around the world. Here are seven key health measures that can help you predict the future risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD).

from Medindia Health News

Almost 3 in 4 Indians Use More Than 1 Device Simultaneously: Study

Indians are getting too much addicted to electronic gadgets such as smartphones, laptops, computers, and ipads. A recent study has found that nearly three in four adult consumers in India continuously use more than one device simultaneously.

from Medindia Health News

Flavorings Used in E-Cigarettes Can Up Your Risk for Heart Disease

Flavoring liquids such as cinnamon and menthol used in electronic cigarettes, or e-cigarettes are not safe and may increase the risk of heart disease when inhaled.

from Medindia Health News

Lab-grown Insect Meat: An Alternative to Conventional Meat Farming

Lab-grown Insect Meat: Edible insects could be a superior green alternative for meat farming, reveals a new study.

from Medindia Health News