Sunday, 31 January 2021

WHO Experts Leave Wuhan Quarantine

International scientific research and cooperation on origin-tracing aims to understand the virus, animal reservoirs, and transmission routes, so as to better prevent possible future risks and respond to similar public health crises.

from Medindia Health News

Nivolumab Found Effective to Treat Malignant Mesothelioma

Nivolumab monotherapy is an effective treatment option for relapsed malignant mesothelioma (MM), according to research presented at the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer World Conference on Lung Cancer.

from Medindia Health News

Targets to Inhibit Colorectal Cancer Progression Identified

Artificially altering the balance between the cancer-promoting fibroblasts and cancer-restraining fibroblasts could curb the spread of colorectal cancer tumors.

from Medindia Health News

COVID-19 May Lead To Another Epidemic of Brain Damage

One in eight COVID-19 survivors are diagnosed with a neurological or psychiatric illness for the first time in their lives, six months after their bout of the disease.

from Medindia Health News

New Arena of Treatment Designed For Genetic Heart Disease Variant

Hybrid gene therapy holds therapeutic efficacy in a genetic heart condition where the heart rhythm can potentially cause fast and chaotic heartbeats.

from Medindia Health News